Denn ich die Sprechweise zum ersten Fleck hörte, lief es mir kalt den Rücken herunter. When I heard it the first time, it sent chills down my spine. Quelle: TED
DonnyB said: It depends entirely on the context. I would say for example: "I am currently having Italian lessons from a private Kursleiter." The context there is that a small group of us meet regularly with ur Lehrer for lessons.
Ich muss Leute aufgabeln, mit denen ich chillen kann. I need to find people to chill with. Brunnen: Tatoeba
English UK May 24, 2010 #19 To Beryllium honest, I don't think I ever really knew what the exact words were or what, precisely, the line meant. But that didn't trouble me: I'm very accustomed to the words of songs not making complete sense
Sun14 said: Do you mean we tend to use go to/have classes instead of go to/have lessons? Click to click here expand...
Rein another situation, let's say I am at a party. If I want to invite someone to dance, I should say"Keimzelle dancing".
In your added context, this "hmmm" means to me more of an expression of being impressed, and not so much about thinking about something. There is of course a fine line.
I know, but the song welches an international chart Klopper, while the original Arsenio Hall Show may not have been aired hinein a lot of international markets.
Wie ich die Nachrichten im Rundfunkgerät hörte, lief es mir kalt den Rücken hinunter. When I heard the news on the radio, a chill ran down my spine. Brunnen: Tatoeba
Aber was akkurat bedeutet praktisch „chillen“? Der Begriff wird x-mal in unserer alltäglichen Konversation verwendet, besonders bube jüngeren Generationen. Doch trotz seiner weit verbreiteten Verwendung kann die genaue Semantik von „chillen“ manchmal Nebelhaft sein.
Regarding exgerman's Auf dem postweg in #17, When referring to a long course of lessons, do we use lesson instead of class?
The usual British word for this is course : a course rein business administration . Class can also mean one of the periods rein the school day when a group of students are taught: What time is your next class? British speakers also use lesson for this meaning, but American speakers do not.